Salsa Music Sucks |

by Brisbane Salsero

OK, I concede it’s a provocative title, but it’s a sentiment that I have heard a few dancers express to me when I’ve been talking to them about the local salsa scene here in Brisbane. Recently, I was talking to a good friend of mine, who is more of a zouk and kizomba dancer. I asked him why he thinks that people in the local scene tend to gravitate towards styles other than salsa.

His response was that he doesn’t really like the music, and it just sounds like a bunch of noise to him. Another girl I was talking to went as far as to say that, to her, salsa music sounds like “someone banging on a tin can“. I found this interesting, because that’s not what I hear at all when I listen to salsa music. To me, salsa music is very complex, multi-layered, diverse, and stimulating. However, not everyone hears it that way. When I probe a little deeper into what sort of salsa these people are listening to, and which socials they attend, some patterns start to emerge. So why is that some people think that salsa music sucks? The following is my attempt to explain this perception.

read the article at: latindancecommunity.comLDC-Final-Logo (300x241)

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